Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas International House - Day 3 and 4; Language

Day 3
Today I drop off our student in downtown Houston, which requires a little less time on the road and no tolls. I’m still worrying about getting my work hours in for the week. The drop off is a little later in the morning and there is no dinner planned for the students this evening, so it makes for a short workday.

Today, the International students are visiting the Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Natural Science, and the Houston Zoo, weather permitting. But the sky is gray and it threatens rain. Everyone hopes the rain will hold off, but they cancel the picnic lunch, just in case.

Since I want to use all the day I can for work, I don’t plan or prepare an evening meal. We decide on KFC, and are pleased that Ren Zhe likes chicken.

After dinner, we play Apples to Apples and I admire Ren Zhe. How difficult it must be to live in a home where the only language spoken is not your first language, yet be willing to participate in word games. We oblige her request to use her electronic Chinese English dictionary. What a very fun evening with lots of laughter.

Day 4
While I am thoroughly enjoying the CIH program and especially our student, Ren Zhe, by now I am also feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work to do in such limited time. Today’s schedule for our student - shopping at Memorial City Mall. This means a later morning drop off and early pick-up as the students have no dinner plans for the evening. And I still have five hours of work to get in.

My wonderful husband comes through for me. He gets home early and starts dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, then offers to pick up Ren Zhe. What a blessing, as I am able to get my work done.

Our evening consists of a movie, Ernest Goes to Camp, which is a corny comedy, but a favorite of the kids. We watch the movie with English subtitles for Ren Zhe, and have another enjoyable night.

